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The Georgian currency is called the lari (GEL) and is indicated by the abbreviation که, which is currently every 3.2 lari equal to one US dollar, and the exchange rate of the lari against the Iranian rial is currently fifty-five thousand rials per lari. .
The air route from Imam Khomeini International Airport to Shota Rustaveli International Airport in Tbilisi is operated by Iranian and Georgian airlines and the direct flight time from Tehran to Tbilisi is about one hour and thirty minutes. The land route from Tehran to Tbilisi almost every day at one and a half o'clock in the afternoon and vice versa by Giti Pima Company (VIP buses) from the west terminal of Tehran (Azadi terminal).
No. At present, Iranian citizens can travel to Georgia for 45 days without a visa, and if they need more time to stay in Georgia, they must obtain a visa after completing the 45-day period or in the same territory of Georgia. Or have a re-entry and exit.
If we want to measure the time difference between the two countries compared to Greenwich, Georgia is +4 and Iran is +30.30, so the time difference between Iran and Georgia is half an hour. Normally, if we want to calculate the time difference between Iran and Georgia, Georgia is half an hour ahead. He is from Iran, but when the clock in Iran is one hour ahead, Georgia will be half an hour behind us.
The importation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic drugs and combination drugs containing similar substances without translated and certified medical documents into the territory of Georgia is prohibited, including: acyl dihydrocodine - dihydrocodine - codeine - nicodicodine - nicocodin - nurcodine - flucodine - ethyl morphine and Also, all combination therapies contain substances: ephedrine - norephedrine and pseudoephedrine
Fuel rates in Georgia - 2020: Super gasoline per liter: 2.70 GEL per liter Nano premium gasoline: 2.65 GEL per liter Regular Euro gasoline: 2.50 GEL per liter Nano diesel diesel: 2.65 GEL per Liter of diesel Euro diesel: 2.50 GEL per kg of LPG: 1.90 GEL per kg of CNG: 1.65 GEL
According to the National Statistics Office of Georgia, the minimum living expenses in Georgia are 696 GEL for a family of two in a month, 783 GEL for a family of three, 870 GEL for a family of four, 980 GEL for a family of five and 1155 GEL for a family of six. Is.
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